Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mix and match abaya for party

abaya - by inaz on
Abaya emang bisa di pake kemana manaa..kalo di negara negara arab sana,bisa buat ke sekolah,ke pasar,kondangan,ke mall, ke mana mana pake abaya. Abaya udah kaya baju wajib bagi orang sana.
yahh..pinter pinter kita mix and match-in nya aja,tergantung kemana kita mau pake itu abayaa..
be creative girls!

heels >Giuseppe Zanotti
clutch bag >Miumiu
gold black onyx ring >
abaya >
powder and brown eyeshadow >Bobbibrown
parfume >Malva

::i love the high heels so mucchhhhh!!!::

1 comment:

  1. alow Inaz...
    Just FYI, in some area in Saudi Arabia, we have to a.k.a an obligation to wear abaya for ladies outfit, even for non moslem... ^_^
