Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dianne Von Furstenberg


  1. Ass.Wr.Wb. Hi Inaz! Nice blog u have here. Keep up the good work! I've noticed ur style on Ange's blog. Very colourful. Where did you buy those undercaps (ciput)? In Jakarta?

    deetje - jakarta

  2. Wss.Wr.Wb
    heeeii deetje ;)
    thankyou soo much!spasiba balshoi!
    daleman kerudung itu beli di temenku...cuma dia yang jualan di jkt..hehee..
    tapi dia udah masuk2in ke toko2 kerudung kok...

  3. I love DVF! And I also love that your Web site has non-English words that I understand like, "Poskan Komentar." I'm going to guess that means, "publish comment."
    Well...we'll see if I was right in a second;)

  4. hey sabrina :)
    yeaah youre sooooo right!
    im not good in english,thats why i wear "bahasa indonesia" heheee...
    anyways,thank you sabrina ;)
